

Psychotic disorders are a group of severe and complex mental illnesses that usually manifest themselves during the transition period from childhood to adulthood. They are characterized by the presence of symptoms of the psychotic sphere as the core of the disease. Psychotic symptoms lead to a disconnection or distortion of reality in the person who suffers them, generating in the individual thoughts and perceptions that often do not agree with the reality that we can all perceive.

Positive psychotic symptoms

These are symptoms that manifest themselves as a distortion and/or disconnection from reality and a loss of judgment of reality, as understood by the majority of the population. They are made up of three main groups of symptoms:

  • Delirios: Delusions: are fixed and erroneous beliefs that the person experiences as true and indisputable, even when there is evidence to the contrary. The content of these ideas can have different themes. The most frequent are usually the persecutory, which entails that the individual thinks that he is being persecuted, that he is being watched in the street, etc; or the delirium of reference, which occurs when the person thinks badly of him or that he/she is being looked at badly, that a certain news item on television is directed at him/her, that other people may know what he/she thinks, among others.

Perceptual disturbances or hallucinations: Hallucinations are paranormal sensory experiences that occur in the absence of a real external stimulus. The individual perceives them as vivid and clear, with the force of normal perception. They can occur in all sensory modalities, but the most common, and even more so in adolescence, are auditory hallucinations.

Disorganization of thought and/or behavior: Disorganization is a symptom that can affect thought or behavior, when the disorganization of thought is shown as a form of speech that is not very comprehensible, with unconnected ideas or where the speech does not follow a proper semantic order or a thread of argumentation that can be understood, causing the person's speech to be very little comprehensible and coherent. When the disorganization affects behavior, it can be observed that the person is very restless or even agitated and violent for no apparent reason.

Negative psychotic symptoms

Los síntomas negativos son la causa principal de la disminución del funcionamiento de las personas con trastornos psicóticos. Los síntomas más frecuentes son: Negative symptoms are the main cause of decreased functioning in people with psychotic disorders. The most frequent symptoms are: Diminished or flattened emotional expression, which is observed when the patient has no emotional expression, and describes his emotionality as flat, as if he does not feel emotions as strongly as usual. This symptom is observable in the facial expression, eye contact, voice tonality and whole body movements of the sufferer.

Abulia-apathy is characterized by a decrease in motivation to engage in activities and a low interest in participating in social, academic or work activities. Anhedonia refers to the inability or decreased ability to feel pleasure. It is usually manifested primarily by a decrease in the performance of activities that were previously pleasurable and gave pleasure to the person. Alogia refers to an impoverishment of thinking and cognition, which can be observed in the sufferer when his or her speech becomes simpler and poorer.


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