

Anxiety is a part of human existence, all people feel a moderate degree of it, this being an adaptive response. Anxiety is defined as that unpleasant feeling of fear, which is perceived as a warning signal that warns of a threatening danger, often the threat is unknown, which distinguishes it from fear where the threat is concrete and defined. It should be clarified that anxiety by itself is not considered a disease, since, based on its function, it is included in the wide range of emotional responses that any person presents. When it retains a certain frequency, intensity, recurrence and duration, it has a usefulness and a purpose. In Mexico there are studies that show a higher prevalence between 15 and 45 years of age, with a higher proportion for women than for men, 2 to 1 respectively. It is common that they coincide with depressive disorders.


Anxiety disorders have effective treatments in most cases. These treatments lead to a satisfactory normalization of life. The most common is the combination of pharmacological treatment, directed towards the main symptoms, and psychotherapeutic treatment, directed towards the behaviors and thoughts that generate and maintain anxiety. The onset of anxiety is frequently associated with the presence of an adverse event for the patient. Although most anxiety disorders follow a chronic course, it is fluctuating, i.e. there are asymptomatic intervals.

Anxiety affects thinking and learning processes. It tends to produce confusion and distortions of perception, not only with respect to time and space, but also with respect to people and the meaning of different events. These distortions can interfere with learning, concentration, memory and the ability to make associations.


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